Definitely you have heard of Holistic Medicine. For certainty, a friend of yours has experienced an alternative treatment. Probably, you have tried to benefit from a complementary therapy too. Perhaps, you know few holistic treatments. But, I am convinced that you do not know all the branches of Holistic Medicine. According to web references there are over of 30 main types of Holistic Medicine. In this article we will introduce you to 5 main Holistic therapies.
Acupuncture. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that is been practiced for thousands of years. Needles are inserted into human body (usually wrists, ankles, feet, back and abdomen) at more than 350 points. The procedure lasts for approximately 20 minutes while the patient rests and then the needles are removed. Practitioners manipulate and twirl the needles with special techniques, stimulating the energy flows and promoting healing and pain relief.
Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use primarily of essential oils and secondary of other aromatic natural substances such as vegetable (base) oils and scented products such as candles and soaps, in order to complementarily heal various diseases and vitalize body, spirit and mind. Aromatherapy is an ancient therapeutic method. There is historical evidence that in all major cultures of antiquity (Egypt, Greece, Persia, Roman), physicians deal with herbs, aromatic plants and floral water in purpose to invigorate, cure, stimulate and relax contributing to a better health and well being.
Homeopathy. Homeopathy is a relatively new Holistic Medicine based on the idea, that a natural substance that can produce sick symptoms in a healthy person, can have therapeutic effect in a sick person who suffers from the same symptoms. The term Homeopathy derives from a Greek compound word which means similar-suffering and was introduced by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann. Nevertheless, the homeopathetic approach to health was first described by Hippocrates 2,500 years ago. Homeopathy treatment is safe for patients as long as the next 2 rules are followed: 1. Remedies should be given in infinitesimal doses, so that unwanted side-effects could not be dangerous. 2. Remedies should be specific to each patient, because illness is specific to the individual.
Meditation. There are many different, even opposing definition of Meditation. The most usual description says that "Meditation is a state of just being without any interference from the body or mind". Free of thoughts, feelings and actions, the meditator has the ability to concentrate on the present moment of quiescence, to understand human mind’s nature and to help the awareness of every single aspect of life. Free from any distraction to the mind, the meditator, emphasizes mental activity and achieves personal development. There are many types of Meditation according to their focus and many of them are related to Eastern Religions.
Reflexology. Reflexology is a therapeutic method of healing and pain relieving by pressuring particular reflex areas in hands and feet. Thousands of nerves end in these areas and link to glands, parts and organs of human body. Therefore, reflexologists by pressing on the reflex areas, induced human body to self-correct, to prevent illness, and generally to reinforce itself reaching holistic health.
Acupuncture. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that is been practiced for thousands of years. Needles are inserted into human body (usually wrists, ankles, feet, back and abdomen) at more than 350 points. The procedure lasts for approximately 20 minutes while the patient rests and then the needles are removed. Practitioners manipulate and twirl the needles with special techniques, stimulating the energy flows and promoting healing and pain relief.
Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use primarily of essential oils and secondary of other aromatic natural substances such as vegetable (base) oils and scented products such as candles and soaps, in order to complementarily heal various diseases and vitalize body, spirit and mind. Aromatherapy is an ancient therapeutic method. There is historical evidence that in all major cultures of antiquity (Egypt, Greece, Persia, Roman), physicians deal with herbs, aromatic plants and floral water in purpose to invigorate, cure, stimulate and relax contributing to a better health and well being.
Homeopathy. Homeopathy is a relatively new Holistic Medicine based on the idea, that a natural substance that can produce sick symptoms in a healthy person, can have therapeutic effect in a sick person who suffers from the same symptoms. The term Homeopathy derives from a Greek compound word which means similar-suffering and was introduced by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann. Nevertheless, the homeopathetic approach to health was first described by Hippocrates 2,500 years ago. Homeopathy treatment is safe for patients as long as the next 2 rules are followed: 1. Remedies should be given in infinitesimal doses, so that unwanted side-effects could not be dangerous. 2. Remedies should be specific to each patient, because illness is specific to the individual.
Meditation. There are many different, even opposing definition of Meditation. The most usual description says that "Meditation is a state of just being without any interference from the body or mind". Free of thoughts, feelings and actions, the meditator has the ability to concentrate on the present moment of quiescence, to understand human mind’s nature and to help the awareness of every single aspect of life. Free from any distraction to the mind, the meditator, emphasizes mental activity and achieves personal development. There are many types of Meditation according to their focus and many of them are related to Eastern Religions.
Reflexology. Reflexology is a therapeutic method of healing and pain relieving by pressuring particular reflex areas in hands and feet. Thousands of nerves end in these areas and link to glands, parts and organs of human body. Therefore, reflexologists by pressing on the reflex areas, induced human body to self-correct, to prevent illness, and generally to reinforce itself reaching holistic health.
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